Right on the Central Oregon Coast

Directions to Seal Rocks RV Cove

We are located on the east side of US Highway 101.
From Interstate I-5, take Highway 20 West to Newport or Highway 126 West to Florence (Highway 34 is a scenic route but has lots of curves). We are 5 miles north of Waldport and 10 miles south of Newport, about 1/4 mile south of the town of Seal Rock.

GPS and Google Map Users:
Use “Seal Rocks RV Cove, 1276 NW Cross Street, Seal Rock, Oregon 97376″ and turn off Hwy 101 at Cross St (NOT Seal Rock St)

Look for the BIG BROWN SIGN at the entrance.

All Year Coastal RV Park

Seal Rocks RV Cove is a full-service, ocean view RV and tent camping park on the central Oregon Coast.


Contact Us

Coastal Activities

Park Brochure

Mileage from Seal Rock

76 miles

149 Miles

202 Miles

201 Miles

86 Miles

64 Miles

92 Miles

38 Miles

10 Miles

135 Miles

100 Miles

28 Miles